So you've found a book, article, or other work but aren't able to access it directly through Armacost Library? Work with a librarian to find something comparable or use the options below. Current students and employees may request items right from their computer (option A) or personally visit libraries with which Armacost Library has partnered.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service where libraries loan items to other libraries on a patron's behalf. Log into your ILL account to request items. ILL requests may take 1-2 weeks to fulfill, Armacost Library absorbs all ILL costs so we ask that patrons be selective with their requests.
IEALC. Current University of Redlands students may visit and borrow materials from IEALC libraries by requesting an IEALC card at the Library front desk. Regional campus students may contact Jeff Bullington at or at (909) 748-8096. Before visiting an IEALC library we recommend contacting them directly to inquire about any borrowing restrictions. To borrow materials you'll need your IEALC card along with your University of Redlands student ID.
SCELC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program. Courtesy of Armacost Library's membership in the Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), current University of Redlands faculty may request borrowing privileges with participating libraries. For more information, contact Elizabeth Flater at or (909) 748-8082.
Use the menu icon to select/deselect borrowing programs