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Copyright & Fair Use: Film/Media/Multimedia

A guide to copyright and fair use information for University of Redlands faculty.

Film and Media Best Practices

The Society for Cinema & Media Studies (SCMS) has created the following guide, "Statement of Best Practices for Fair Use in Teaching for Film and Media Educators":



Exceptions for Instructors Performing or Displaying Works

Do you often perform or display works during face-to-face teaching or during an online course?  If so, section 110(1)(face to face teaching) and section 110(2)(TEACH Act) of U.S. Copyright Law provides exemptions for educators using copyrighted works in those circumstances.  Try out the following online tool to determine if your use of a protected work falls under this exemption:



Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video

Best practices for those interested in creating online videos from the Center for Social Media at American University's School of Communication.


For fun...


An online comic from the Center for the Study of the Public Domain at Duke University focuses on fair use and copyright issues in documentary filmmaking:

