Art books are on the third and fourth floors of Armacost Library.
Since the library uses the Library of Congress classification system, most art books have call numbers beginning with N. Photography is shelved in the TRs.
Use this map of the library to find your way to the art and photography sections.
The Library of Congress classification system reserves the call number range N1 - NX9999 for art, and the range TR1-TR9999 for photography.
Art books are classified by technique. Here are the main categories:
N: History, theory, philosophy, economics and politics of art; art museums and galleries; art as a profession
NA: Architecture
NB: Sculpture
NC: Drawing
ND: Painting
NE: Prints, engraving and etching
NK: Decorative arts, interior decor, art industries
NX: Study and teaching of art, art exhibits, arts administration
TR: Photography and cinematography
See the section "Academic Books and the Publishing Process" in the Introduction to Library Research in the Arts to learn more about how books are published.