Library of Congress call numbers group books by topic. Because Latin American Studies is interdisciplinary, there is no one call number range that covers all materials pertaining to Race & Ethnic Studies. The following are some you might find useful.
BL: Religions. Mythology. Rationalism
BM: Judaism
BP: Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc.
BR: Christianity
E 75 - E 99: Native Americans.
E 184 - E 185: American ethnic groups.
GN: Anthropology
HM: Sociology (general and theoretical). Social psychology.
HN: Social history. Social problems. Social reform.
HQ: The family. Marriage. Women. Feminism.
HT: Communities. Classes. Races. Slavery.
HV: Social and public welfare. Substance abuse. Criminology.
K: Legal issues
LC: Education
Each call number has three parts: the class number, the Cutter number, and the date. Together, they help the library organize items and help you find them.
class number | One or more capital letters at the beginning of a call number representing the broad subject area plus number from 1-9999 representing specific subdivisions of topics. The class number will be the same for items of the same subject class. |
Cutter number | This number begins with a period followed by a capital letter (typically the author's last name) and a number. The Cutter number helps alphabetize works within a particular subject. |
date | The date that the work was published. Dates are typically added to ensure that each call number remains unique for each book. |
For example, the book Poetics of Cinema by David Bordwell has the call number PN1994 .B5735 2008 to indicate that it is a book about motion pictures written by David Bordwell and published in 2008.
When using the library catalog to find an item's call number, note that the location of the item may vary, even if it has a similar call number to another item. For example, Poetics of Cinema is located in the general collection.
While the Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film, which has the call number PN1993.45 .G65 2007, is located in the Reference Collection.
If you have problems finding something, please ask for help at the front desk!