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First-Year Seminars: Resources for Instructors & Peer Advisors: Online Modules

Information Literacy Modules

In addition to the Armacost Library's online library orientation for new students, the following online learning modules on information literacy can be used in online, hybrid, or in-person classroom settings. Modules include a mix of homework, classroom activities, discussion questions, and quizzes and you use just parts of modules if you wish. Modules cover the following topics:

  • Evaluating information using the CRAAP test
  • Filter bubbles
  • The "Information Cycle"
  • The importance of information through multiple lenses
  • Why we cite sources

Please visit our online learning modules here. 

Academic Honesty

UCLA Library's Bruin Success with Less Stress has a couple of modules that encourage discussions regarding documenting sources, plagiarism and study skills: 

How to Recognize Plagiarism

How to Recognize Plagiarism from Indiana University Bloomington offers examples of plagiarism due to incorrect paraphrasing and direct quotes.