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Access to 100+ scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, social sciences and mathematics.
All purpose database providing full text articles on a broad range of subjects. Science, Humanities, Social Sciences, etc.
Index to reviews and scholarly articles covering the performing arts, maintained by the Theatre Research Data Center at Brooklyn College.
Citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, and book reviews in religious and theological publications.
"Criticism still embraces exegesis, interpretation, and evaluation, as it has traditionally done, but today it often encroaches upon the territory of "theory," whether we characterize theory as discussion and debates about basic definitions, as the search for necessary and sufficient foundations for evaluating critical practice, or as the self-reflexive process of making explicit underlying social, historical, or ideological interests and presuppositions. The semantic boundaries between " theory " and " criticism " blur. We see the terms often used interchangeably. Frequently, however, they occur together to signal at once their overlapping as well as their divergent possible meanings..."
"Preface." The John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism, 2012, https://litguide.press.jhu.edu/preface.html​. Accessed 25 Oct. 2016.