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ENGL 420: Senior Capstone Seminar: Cite Sources

This guide will support your capstone proposal and annotated bibliography assignments.

Why cite?*

✔  To Become a More Mature Thinker

✔  To Recreate a Sense of Lively Debate and to Establish Intellectual Context

✔  To Give Credit Where It’s Due

✔  To Lead Us to Further Research

When you cite a source, you show how your voice enters into an intellectual conversation and you demonstrate your link to the community within which you work. Working with sources can inspire your own ideas and enrich them, and your citation of these sources is the visible trace of that debt.

*An excerpt from Yale College Writing Center's Using Sources

Citation Tools

MLA Citation Style - Handbook

Citation: A (Very) Brief Introduction

Online Guidance

Listed below links to citation guides. Remember that the style manuals themselves provide the most accurate information.