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Information & Media Literacy Modules: 3. Information Through Multiple Lenses

Completing this Tutorial

1. View the TED Talk video by Chimamanda Adichie, "The Danger of the Single Story."

2. Complete the "Information Through Multiple Lenses" tutorial.

3. Discuss with your peers.

Discussion Questions

  • In her opening sentence, Adichie identifies herself as a storyteller. In what ways are reading and storytelling related for her? How do the stories she read as a child affect the stories she writes now?
  • "It is impossible to talk about the single story without talking about power.” In what ways is storytelling a form of power?
  • What single stories have you heard about others? About yourself? In what way(s) are these stories incomplete?
  • What do you think Adichie means by saying, at the end, that to reject the single story is to “regain a kind of paradise”? When a single story is rejected as untrue or impossible, what takes its place?
  • Why is it important to incorporate multiple sources and multiple perspectives into your research projects?


Discussion questions above from The Center for Civic Reflection.

Chimamanda Adichie: The Danger of a Single Story

Information Through Multiple Lenses

Open the slideshow to fullscreen, click the play button, and view the entire tutorial.