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Information & Media Literacy Modules: 2. Production of Knowledge

Before Class (pre-assignment #2)

1. Watch this 13 minute TED talk by Mark Nolan, "How to separate fact from fiction online."

2. Be prepared to discuss "fact checking" or using evidence in scholarship and problem-solving at the university-level (and in your future working lives).

Information Cycle

Discussion and Activities

Discussion questions:

  • How do different types of sources fit into the research process/role?
  • How does the information cycle affect your research process? 
  • What is the role of publication and scholarly communication? 


In-class Activity:

  • Compare the same topic or event across different sources (scholarly/popular press; social media platforms; sources from different perspectives). How would you describe the sources you've analyzed? What kinds of differences or similarities do you notice? Are your sources created for specific audiences? How can you tell? How does the story/topic/event change from source to source and does this affect your understanding of the story/topic/event?