All library databases contain records, which tell you that a particular search result exists and what it is about. Some databases also contain the full text of the item, while others do not. Compare these two records from JSTOR (a full text database) and RILM (an abstract and indexing only [A&I] database)
In order to get the full text of items from A&I databases, you have to click on the Find Full Text icon.
Clicking this icon checks for the full text in all library resources. A behind-the-scenes system checks to see if another database contains the full text, and presents the results for you.
If full text is available in another library database or the physical library collection, the system will connect you to the records for the desired item.
If full text is not available in any library databases, the system will provide you a link to request the item from another library through interlibrary loan (ILL) at no cost to you. You need to be logged in for this link to appear.
Our library staff are able to obtain hard to find scores, articles and more from our network of ILL partners across the country. Not all items are available through ILL and you will need to allow time for request processing and delivery (typically 1-2 business days for electronic articles and up to a week or longer for physical items)
Most of the time, the library's systems for linking you between databases will work as expected. However, errors can occur in rare situations.
What do you do if you see an error message instead of the article you were trying to get?
Before giving up and trying to get a different article, try one of these things: