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Introduction to library research in the arts: Where do you go from here?

An introduction to research concepts and techniques for University of Redlands students in fine, literary and performing arts, developed as an Open Educational Resource (OER)

Learning objective

  • Submit your research for an award and open access publication.

Publish your research in InSPIRE

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Graduate students writing theses, dissertations and major independent projects (MIPs) and undergraduates writing honors or capstone papers have the opportunity to publish their work online through the University's institutional repository, InSPIRE, administered by Armacost Library.

Publishing your work in an institutional repository helps you contribute your voice to the conversations in your academic discipline and participate in the open access movement.

Participating in publishing as a student also gives you a new perspective on the research concepts that we have discussed here: you are a producer of scholarly knowledge, not simply a consumer of it.

Visit InSPIRE @ Redlands and consult the Contributor FAQ for more information.

Submit your research for an award

Cartoon showing a scientist running from a dinosaur: "Science can tell you how to clone a Tyrannosaurus. The Humanities can tell you why that is a bad idea."

Consider submitting your research for an Armacost Library Undergraduate Research Award (ALURA).

Each year Armacost Library awards two $500 prizes to recognize outstanding undergraduate research in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine) and Arts/Humanities/Social Science disciplines.

You will need to get a faculty recommendation and write up a short reflection on your research process.

Follow this link to learn more about ALURA.

Concluding thoughts

At the beginning of this guide, I defined research as situations where you need information from outside sources to resolve a question or problem.

In other sections of this guide, we've added to this basic concept of research as we studied:

  • How information sources are created and what makes them authoritative for your topic
  • How your research question drives your project
  • How to plan and execute a multi-faceted search strategy
  • How to use information that you have found according to ethical principles of honesty and openness to experience

Research is a process of finding your voice as a scholar. As you study topics that matter to you, you cultivate your intellectual life and develop habits of curiosity, learning, and agency that can last a lifetime.

Each time you do research in different disciplines, or on a new topic, you have an opportunity to strengthen your skills and learn something new.

This journey continues after you graduate from the University. You will have many opportunities to do research at work and in everyday life. Remember that you can tap into networks of other libraries and that librarians can be your partners along the way.

Key point

  • The research skills that you're practicing at the University of Redlands can support a lifetime of learning. Take advantage of this time and the people and other resources available to you and enjoy the journey!