Covers significant developments in the field of Political Science including political theory and philosophy, international relations, political economy, political behavior, American and comparative politics, public administration and policy, and methodology.
Working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs.
Collection of thirty databases providing government, legal and regulatory information, including United States case laws, treaties, and official reports.
Index to public policy research published worldwide from 1977 to the present. Includes books, government documents, statistical research, reports, conference papers and more.
Scholarly articles from a wide variety of sources in all fields of research. Follow the Connect with Google Scholar directions to configure Google Scholar to get the full text of articles to which Armacost Library subscribes.
Catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide.
Interdisciplinary Scholarly Journals
Feminist Studiespublishes research and criticism that takes into account the intersections of gender with racial identity, sexual orientation, economic means, geographical location, and physical ability. No other scholarly journal also features artistic, creative, and activist output on the same scale: each issue contains multi-page full color art spreads alongside art essays, poetry and fiction, photo essays, and commentaries on newsworthy topics.
Social TextSocial Text covers a broad spectrum of social and cultural phenomena, applying the latest interpretive methods to the world at large. A daring and controversial leader in the field of cultural studies, the journal consistently focuses attention on questions of gender, sexuality, race, and the environment, publishing key works by the most influential social and cultural theorists.
Policy Studies JournalPSJ is best characterized as an outlet for theoretically and empirically grounded research on policy process and policy analysis.
Public Opinion QuarterlyPOQ selectively publishes important theoretical contributions to opinion and communication research, analyses of current public opinion, and investigations of methodological issues involved in survey validity—including questionnaire construction, interviewing and interviewers, sampling strategy, and mode of administration.