As a result of multiple instances of information literacy instruction from the first year seminar to upper division courses students will think and act as strategic researchers.
Robert Detmering and Anna Marie Johnson. 2012. “‘Research papers have always seemed very daunting’: Information literacy narratives and the student research experience,” portal: Libraries and the Academy, volume 12, number 1, pp. 5–22. DOI: 10.1353/pla.2012.0004
Reflection Essay
Student Interviews
Faculty Interviews
Sampling of Course Artifacts
By the time students begin their capstone projects an information literate student would be expected to demonstrate an increased be ability to…
1. Identify, make use of, and explain the value of various types of information sources and how the organization of discipline-specific resources helped/hindered their research process;
2. Describe economic, legal, political, and socio-economic impacts on information access and use (e.g. plagiarism, copyright constraints, costs, funded research, policies, open access issues) as they may or have impacted your research processes and products;
3. Implement a research strategy relevant to research need, modify strategies accordingly;
4. Apply discipline-specific style to research productions (papers, presentations, annotated bibliographies, etc.);
5. Compare new knowledge with prior knowledge to determine the value added, contradictions, or other unique characteristics of new information.