Music books and scores are on the third floor of Armacost Library.
Since the library uses the Library of Congress classification system, music books have call numbers beginning with M.
Physical recordings (LPs, CDs and DVDs) are shelved in closed stacks. Bring the call number to the front desk to request a recording.
Use this map of the library to find your way.
The Library of Congress classification system reserves the call number range from M1 to MT9999 for music scores, literature about music, and technical topics.
The call numbers M1 through M3 are reserved for scholarly editions of collected works by canonical composers. Most of these books cannot be checked out from the library.
M = Musical scores
ML = Music literature (historical, critical and analytical books about music)
MT = Music technical (etudes, theory/harmony/composition, teaching, instrument construction, etc.)
See the section "Academic Books and the Publishing Process" in the Introduction to Library Research in the Arts to learn more about how books are published.